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Monday, May 20, 2013

Business Process Harmonization: Science and Art (II).

Once you have defined your approach, if you decided "Path B" (see my previous blog in, I recommend to use the following elements to achieve BPH:

Let´s discuss each element:

- Internal Best Practices: leverage what the companies or regions do right, and incorporate these practices in your inventory to be considered in the harmonized process. To calibrate what is good and what is not so good, use your own expertise and capability maturity models. This is an important element, because we don´t want to discard what has make them different in the market. Also, is a key component in the change management process of accepting a new process design.

- Industry Reference Model: these are those sets of process, best practices, KPIs, etc. used in the industry as a reference to build your own model. For example, is widely known that eTOM (enhanced Telecommunications Operations Map) is a business framework for the Telco industry.  There are several (public and non-public) reference models. We at Accenture have several propietary, very detailed, industry reference models for each industry. It will help you to show the best practices in the industry and a starting point for your new processes, KPIs, etc.

- Vistis, Interviews, Questionaires: devot time in an intelligent way to understand really deep the operations of the two or more companies or regions you want to harmonize. Do not underestimate the time required to do visits, interviews, surveys, questionaries with the operation. Collect evidence and examples of the way they operate. They will be key during the harmonization workshops.

- Harmonization Workshops: this element is key, and define the success of the process. You have to plan the workshop carefully, having in mind the convergence of the process. You will bring to the workshop a "proposal", at least partially validated. Do not start in a white page. Your actions and workshop dynamics should be well thought to lead the team to an harmonized process. Do your homework in socializing findings (beforehand!!!) with key stakeholders. Do not surprise key stakeholders in the workshop, it will play against your objective of harmonization.

There are other elements, but if you plan and implement these elements, you will have more chance of success in harmonizing processes.

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