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Saturday, May 11, 2013

A proposed scale to achieve process adoption.

Adoption is one of the principal challenges for the processes defined. In this article we will understand "adoption" as the execution of the process as it was designed, i.e. following the steps, executed by the designed roles, using the inputs, generating the outputs and complying with the process KPIs.

We may have the best business blue print, very well structured and consistent, but if the business does not execute the process as it was mapped, it is useless.

We tend to think that if we make the effort (most of the time, a daunting effort) to map the business process, we will have a big advance in the execution of the process in the real life. My experience is not like that...

From my point of view, the adoption scale will depend of the methodology and tools that we use to achieve this goal. This scale can be depicted as follows:

The scale is cumulative, in other words, you should have the previous methodology and tools in the scale to achieve the required level of adoption. What the figure suggests is that we stop at Process Mapping, we are not going to achieve much. We should train the actors that will execute the process, or even better, design the new process with them.

When you have the responsibility of process design, think in adoption. It will make the difference...

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